Autobiography of Yeni Fitriya

By: Angka Sembilan 

My name is Yeni Fitriya, you can call me Yeni. I was born in Nganjuk, 31st January 1998. Now I am twenty two years old. I am the first child from two children. My sister is Tasya Putri Dwi Anugrah. Her nick name is Tasya. She was born in Nganjuk, 11th December 2012. We have fourteen years age different. So that, now she is still in elementary school while I am in university. My family is just an ordinary people. My father, Suparno is a farmer. My mother, Jumirah is also a farmer. Although I am just from farmer family, I am very grateful that I can still get higher education.
When I was in kindergarten, I have had three best friends. Their names are Rani, Nurul and Listya. We always studied in same school from kindergarten until vocational high school. They are very kind to me, I love them very much. At six years old, I studied at State Elementary School II Sidorejo until I am twelve years old. In 2010, I continued my study from elementary school to junior high school at State Junior High School 1 Sawahan until 2013. After graduated from junior high school, I chose to enter vocational high school in Nganjuk and take office administration major. The name of this vocational high school is State Vocational High School 2 Nganjuk. My vocational high school life is very interesting. I got first winner of English Debate from Education, Youth and Sport Office of Nganjuk when I am in second grade and in 2016 I got the highest mathematics score of national examination in Nganjuk regency.
A new episode of my life start when I entered University of Trunojoyo Madura in 2016. I start my new life in Madura with my best friend, Listya. I am not with Rani and Nurul again because they are did not continued their study in University of Trunojoyo Madura. I take Elementary School Teacher Education major and Listya takes Sharia Business Law major. Why I choose this major because it is suggestion from my teacher. Actually I want to enter mathematics education major, but my teacher said that I will lose with senior high school graduate because I am from vacational high school. The possibility to accept in mathematics education major is just a little. The another reason why I choose this major is because the course in elementary school teacher education major is more neutral to be learned with graduate from senior high school or vocational high school. 
Listya and I lived in student dormitory, but I just live in student dormitory until forth semester. I have moved to boarding house at Telang Indah 5 in fifth semester because I want to get new atmosphere. In first semester I always with Listya because at the time I just know Listya and the different language and culture between Java and Madura make me little bit hard to adaption with the environment. Although I get difficulty to adaptation, I still happy to live in Madura because Maduries people is kind and I get many new experiences in Madura.
I also join an organisation in my faculty that is PENA (Penelitian dan Penalaran). PENA is an organisation that engaged in authorship. I have position as secretary in 2017 and as treasurer in 2019. Actually I did not like writing in the past time. I just enter PENA organisation because I am interested with PENA performance in my freshman orientation, but now I am very glad and grateful to join in PENA organisation because there I start to learn writing especially writing essay and scientific paper. I wrote twelve academic writings from 2017 until now, for examples “ORBSER (Out Learning and Basic Subserve) in 2017, “Pendidikan Berfalsafah Bhuppa’ Bhabbu’ Guru Ratoh” in 2018, “Revalitas Bahasa Jawa dan Madura” in 2019, “Aplikasi Penghitung Persamaan Linier Metode Gauss Jordan” in 2020, etc.
I have a dream to pursue higher education in master degree. Therefore, I joined many competitions as my effort to get master degree. I start join several competitions when I am in third semester. The first reward that I got is third winner of telling story competition that held by Faculty of Education in 2016. In 2018, I got third winner of Mawapres competition in Faculty of Education and in University of Trunojoyo Madura. Except join competition in University of Trunojoyo Madura, I also join competition in other universities. I ever join essay or scientific paper competition in Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Universitas Islam Sunan Ampel and Universitas Sebelas Maret. From all of the competition that I joined, I have the most unforgettable reward that is became the first winner and best presentation in national essay competition that held by Universitas Sebelas Maret in 2019. I am very glad and grateful to know that I come to this stage, but I do not want to stop. I want to always step forward and increase my ability. In the future after I pass master degree, I want to be a lecturer.

The last sentence from me is “Don’t think how to be the best, but think how to do the best”.


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